(As first published in nvla LeaseWire)
Our second annual in person Women in Leasing meeting was a fabulous, high-energy event in Austin, TX at the recent NVLA Annual Meeting. The group welcomed many newcomers, and everyone was very excited to be together, have an opportunity to network and get to know each other. The connections made at the noontime meeting carried over to the remainder of the networking events held at the conference.
Twenty-two women attended which was a great turnout. We have another 20 women that joined our bi-monthly virtual meetings over the past year but did not attend the Annual Meeting.
The women live all over the U.S. and Canada and work in varied places such as the four major auto manufacturers, including Nissan, Toyota, Volkswagen and Honda; a credit union and two banks that serve the vehicle leasing industry: Educators Credit Union, 1st Source and Metropolitan Commercial Bank; a number of major lessors, including Glesby Marks, Ltd. and PV Rentals; fleet management companies such as Wheels Fleet Management; and software vendors such as Advanced Lease Systems and PYA Solutions, Inc. With yours truly, an attorney serving the auto finance arena, we cover a large spectrum of the vehicle leasing industry.
We had a very animated discussion on certain issues in the leasing industry and look forward to more idea sharing at our next virtual meeting on November 15, 2023 at 11am CT/ 12pm ET. If you have a suggestion for an idea or topic discussion or if you would like to add your colleagues or employees to the group and to our virtual meeting schedule, please email Sloan Schickler (see address below). Our meetings always start with: What issues are affecting your business currently?
We are making great progress and look forward to even more in 2024. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Sloan Schickler is a partner in the commercial finance law firm, Schickler & Schickler PLLC. Schickler, a veteran vehicle leasing, finance and bank attorney and the attorneys in her firm have decades of experience representing and protecting lessors, banks, captive and independent finance companies in all facets of the vehicle leasing and financing business. She has served as the NVLA Legal and Legislative counsel since 2017, is currently the only woman on the board of directors and is a supporter of Leasing News and sits on its Advisory Board. Sloan can be reached at sloan.schickler@schicklerlaw.